Every year, our church hosts an event called the "Festival of Thanksgiving." We have two congregation: an English speaking one and a Japanese speaking one. With two services apiece, you can imagine how difficult it is to get everyone together. The festival was started as a way to promote fellowship among church members, but it has burgeoned into a huge community event. Apparently, there were some Twitter folk there, though I only saw Max. Toby (
@atmarketing) was taking
pictures of some of the items available in the silent auction and Sophie (
@sophielynette) dropped by after reading some of my tweets. For the past few years, Max Ida (
@_maxida) has served as emcee, walking around with a microphone and letting people know what's available.
Here's the main tent. On the right, you could purchase shave ice, hot dogs, chili, and drinks. Ikayaki and udon were being served on the left.
The line for Ikayaki. It always sells out, usually about halfway through the event.
I was able to sneak in an snap a pic of the volunteers putting some of the Ikayaki on the grill.
The white elephant sale (called "Treasure Ark") is a big draw. We picked up a few books for our son.
According to the new Hawaii Five-0's McGarrett, we live in 110 degree weather. What better way to cool off than a nice cup of strawberry shave ice? Our son ate this whole thing by himself... then a spam musubi... then half my chili dog.
Haha, I was googling makiki church and came across this! thanks for the mention!